Thursday, September 2, 2010

Retailers Need to Think Old

My neighborhood, Old Town Pasadena has seen some new construction in the last few years. Including work/live spaces and luxury condominiums. But the majority of buildings are commerical. Most of these commerical buildings have been around since the turn of the last century. I came across an article in the July/August edition of REALTOR magazine, 'Retailers Need to Think Old'.

It isn't buildings that need to be re-engineered to serve the world's burgeoning senior population, it's the retail uses inside them. Adding wider doorways for wheelchairs and more handicapped parking spaces are a great start, but retailers also need to consider displays and labeling goods so they're accessible to people with disabilites. Changes like larger more colorful labeling for fading eyesight and lower racks that caqn be reached from a wheelchair or motorized cart.

Plus, aren't old buildings just more charming..?

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